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Our animal companions, (pets) truly do become family members and when their time here in the physical form has come to an end and they have passed and joined your ancestors in death, the pain can be unbearable. The passing of a loved one often prompts one to explore what is beyond the veil of death and to seek answers from those who seem to know something about such matters and many turn to psychics and mediums for answers.

There is nothing wrong with seeking answers about the bigger questions in life, the problem is that many times you get different and conflicting information from multiple sources, when each source is posed with the same question. When seeking out answers remember that if someone can tell you what your pet is thinking in detail, that they had better be able to describe that animal and very specific details about them to verify their connection. If you are asked to provide a wealth of detail about your loved one in order to establish a connection, ask additional questions once a “connection” has been “established” in order to verify the strength of the connection. For example, I might ask questions such as favorite place to sleep, type of diet, what time of year they came into the family, and other very specific questions.

As a psychic medium and animal communicator who has provided thousands of connections over the past nine years, I would say that it is safe to say that I have a little bit of knowledge with regards to the big reincarnation question.

Every week I am asked about reincarnation and if and when a beloved animal companion will be returning to you during this lifetime in another body of the same species, or in some cases another species altogether, such as a dog coming back as a cat or a human.

Here is my response: No. Your animal will not be returning to you in another physical form during this present lifetime of yours, and here is why I know this.

  1. Every animal that I have reached out to who has passed has come through, very rarely it has taken more than one attempt to make contact, but in the vast majority of the cases I establish contact fairly quickly.
  2. Regardless of what time period your past animals are from, they are able to come through with ease.
  3. Your animals who have passed inform me that they will interact with new and or existing animals in your home, this can sometimes lead someone to believe that their past animal has returned as a new animal is exhibiting behaviours that similar or the same as your past animal. It is simply your past animal coaching your new animal, for fun and to demonstrate that they are still present in the home.
  4. I am yet to connect with a single animal that has revealed that they had come back from a previous pets body.
  5. I have never had a past animal tell me that they are coming back in another body.
  6. If they reincarnated as some would have us believe, our animals would suffer form the same thing that we do, no solid memories of our past lives and relationships, thus making reincarnation a pointless exercise.
  7. Our loved ones continue to watch over us in spirit and in reading after reading I have brought forth solid confirmations of our past animals and human companions watch our current day to day activities.
  8. In one reading a client had been informed by another “psychic” that her cat was going to come back to her at a local shelter and the charlatan went so far as to describe the physical appearance that the new body would look like. This was after she asked me where her cat was at the time of the reading, I saw the cat on a dresser in a box. It turns out the cats ashes were where I was describing.
  9. In my experience those who claim to know when and where your animal is going to reincarnate and come back to you are simply fleecing the grieving.
  10. It’s all about burden of proof. With only a name and species, I, or any other good psychic medium will describe in detail your animals physical appearance, breed, age, manner of passing, diet, favorite activities, how acquired, favorite person, favorite treats, personality, living arrangements, and much, much more.

Bottom line is I believe that our loved ones wait for us in spirit and that once we join them in spirit we can have full closure and bring everything full circle. After reuniting in spirit, I believe that our journey may continue together, provided that is what the two of you agree to.

No photos should be required to make a telepathic connection with a loved one in spirit or with a living animal.

Psychic Medium & Animal Communicator

Charles Peden
