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John Muir w/ Quote

John Muir w/ Quote

Yesterday I had a reading that will I will remember for some time due to several reasons. The reading was for the specific intent of obtaining some closure with a few animal companions whom had passed. The reading began and the first animal, a wonderful dog, came through. He related how he loved and missed his human companion and how he was quite happy and well on the other side. My favorite part was where the dog showed me the pick up truck he used to take trips in with the rounded mud flaps that was from the late 1930s. 

After the dog came through, another dog came through and related many details specific to her and it was a very happy reunion with many tears of joy and remembrance on both sides. Then a gentleman appeared who had a very full beard, a big head of hair and made it very clear to me that he was connected to conservation. He kept showing me a stand of redwood trees named after him and adding that he had lived just across the water from where I live in Benicia. That mean’t that he lived in Martinez at some point in his life. By then it was clear who he was, it was John Muir. Now why would John Muir stop by and come through during the reading?

1937 Ford Truck

1937 Ford Truck

The message was for the person who I was giving the reading to. John told me to tell her that he wanted to support her and offer her inspiriation. John wanted her to learn about his life and not so much follow in his footsteps, but to pay attention to his way of doing things and his philosophy. In essence he was offering to assist her as a spirit guide as he has lessons she can learn from him at this time. She was grateful, but a little puzzled as to why he had chosen her, though she resonated with what he was saying. The reading continued with several additional animals coming through and before long was concluded.

A few hours later I received an email with some additional confirmations connected to the reading I had given earlier in the day during which John Muir had made an appearance. The woman who had received the reading had started reading a book by Emanuel Swedenborg called Heaven and Earth, just the night before. John Muir had several of Swedenborg’s books in his library. Swedenborg was a scientist who turned into a mystic and who began to have dreams and visions. He even began channeling spirits and makeing statements which only someone with psychic abilities would have been able to do. He attempted to find the connection between the physical world of matter and the spirit world of energy. In any event it was a nice confirmation that John Muir had indeed stopped by.

May 2024